If you have not filed your federal or state income tax returns or paid your taxes, you can file an extension on or before Tuesday, April 18, 2017. The standard extension is 6 months - so you then have until October 15th to get your final return filed. You still must pay what you estimate you owe in taxes. Your filing for a federal extension automatically qualifies you for an extension for your Pennsylvania income taxes as well. As to local income taxes - your mileage may vary - call the local tax assessor and ask the question about what you need to do to apply for an extension with them as well.
Here is the lowdown from the IRS on the federal extension:
Requesting an extension (Federal)
Taxpayers who cannot complete their return and file by April 18, 2017 may request an extension of time to file. There are several ways to file Form 4868 for an extension.
File electronically:
- IRS Free File or Free File Fillable Forms
- Paid preparers
- Commercial tax software
Or, download a paper version of Form 4868 and file by mail.
Reminder, an extension of time to file is not an extension of time to pay.
And here is the parallel information for Pennsylvania:
How do I get an extension to file my PA Income Tax Return?
If you need more time to prepare your taxes than the deadline permits, you may file for an extension of time by completing an "Application for Extension of Time to File" REV-276.
Here is the link to the form:
If you have an approved extension from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), you do not have to file for a state extension unless you want an extension greater than the extension granted by the IRS.
However, please remember that an extension to file is not an extension to pay. If you feel you will owe tax, you should send a payment for the amount of tax you expect to owe. Make sure you record your Social Security Number on the check with the notation that you are making an "extension payment" for the tax year.
Mail your extension payment and/or application REV-276 by April 18, 2017 to:
However, please remember that an extension to file is not an extension to pay. If you feel you will owe tax, you should send a payment for the amount of tax you expect to owe. Make sure you record your Social Security Number on the check with the notation that you are making an "extension payment" for the tax year.
Mail your extension payment and/or application REV-276 by April 18, 2017 to:
PA Department of Revenue
Bureau of Individual Taxes
PO Box 280504
Harrisburg, PA 17128-0504
Bureau of Individual Taxes
PO Box 280504
Harrisburg, PA 17128-0504
After filing for the necessary extensions, diary ahead for that October deadline so that you remember that you have not filed your return. Give yourself plenty of advance notice. Now that the pressure is off, don't put yourself back in that position in October!