Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Here is a reminder to all Pennsylvania employers from the state Department of Labor and Industries about your obligation to report the hiring of new employees:

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 along with Pennsylvania's Act 58 of 1997 requires all employers to report certain information on their newly-hired employees to a designated state agency. As an employer, you are a key partner in ensuring financial stability for many children and families across the Commonwealth.

New Hire Reporting is designed to increase child support collections from non-custodial parents and parents who change jobs frequently, thus securing a better life for children. As an employer, your role of reporting newly-hired employees is critical to the success of the program. By reporting your newly-hired employees within 20 days of hire, you aid the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in speeding up the child support income withholding order process, locating non-custodial parents to expedite collection of child support and in many cases, establishing paternity.

The New Hire program has experienced not only significant increases in child support collections from non-custodial parents but also savings in unemployment compensation, workers' compensation and public assistance programs through fraud detection. As a result, Pennsylvania is committed to this endeavor and expects continued diligence from the employer community to aid in this endeavor. For more information on this law, please visit the Pennsylvania State Law.

If you are a custodial or non-custodial parent needing information on Pennsylvania legislation and programs, please follow the link here to the PA Child Support Program website within the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.

There are multiple ways to report your new hires to the Pennsylvania New Hire Reporting Program. The preferred method is through timely and secure electronic reporting.

Electronic Reporting:
Please use one of the two secure electronic methods listed below for reporting new hires to the Program.

Through the Pennsylvania CareerLink® website, www.pacareerlink.state.pa.us.

Scroll down the page to the “Report New Hires” box (or press the “Online Services” link at the top menu navigation bar to go directly to the box) and press the link “Report New Hires Now,” to proceed to the Program homepage.

Through Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry server at https://dliftp.state.pa.us.

If interested in using SFTP, please notify the Pennsylvania New Hire Reporting Program by submitting an email to the Program at RA-LI-CWDS-NewHireSF@pa.gov, subject line: “SFTP Credentials – PA”.

Data File Format:
Data files must adhere to the layout specification for each respective file type listed at the Pennsylvania CareerLink® website’s New Hire Reporting Program Information page. At that page, press “Examples and Instructions” under the “Choosing the Best Method for Reporting New Hires as a PA CareerLink®-Registered Employer” section of the page, to view the data file specifications.

For more information on timely and secure new hire reporting, please visit www.pacareerlink.state.pa.us, or call the Pennsylvania New Hire Reporting Program at 1.888.724.4737 or 800-932-0211.

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